How to lose weight following Intermittent fasting?
Intermittent fasting is a practice that is becoming more and more known for rapid weight loss. This practice does not require much effort, simply limiting food intake for a few hours during the day. Intermittent fasting allows you to eat all types of food without counting calories and, above all, to eat what you like. It is a simple practice, which can be adopted by all healthy adults in “normal condition”. However, it is strongly discouraged for pregnant women and children. The principle is to eat during a time window of fasting chosen, which can go from 12:00 to 18:00; the best known is the 16/8, namely eating for 8 hours and fasting for 16 hours. This limits food intake, thus reducing energy intake and, at the same time, allowing the digestive system to take a break.
The advantages of the young intermittent
Numerous advantages have been observed in the physical aspect, with an improvement in body composition due to the decrease in caloric intake, by promoting weight loss and limiting the feeling of hunger.
Intermittent fasting tends to increase hormonal secretion and reception, thus allowing a healthy regulation of most hormones:
- Levels of norepinephrine increase, a hormone that increases metabolism and helps metabolise calories
- Appetite hormones are upgraded: ghrelin is regulated, the hunger hormone and leptin is stimulated, the hormone responsible for emitting the satiety signal, which allows us to balance our appetite and manage cravings.
- Insulin sensitivity is improved, allowing better management of blood sugar levels.
- The production of growth hormoneis increased. This hormone is mainly secreted during sleep, especially in the first part of the night. It is necessary for adults since it has an action on cardiovascular protection, regulation of fat mass/lean mass, regulation of sugar and mineralisation of the skeleton.
Not the least of these benefits, intermittent youth strongly affects cellular autophagy. The process during which our cells have the ability to repair themselves and which is similar to cellular rejuvenation. A guaranteed anti-ageing effect, thus engaging a slowing of cellular ageing and better prevention of age-related diseases.
According to some studies, restricting food intake hours has been shown to significantly improve memory, but alsomood with a decrease in tension, anger and confusion. So, fasting for a few hours during the day could be beneficial for brain function.
Succeeding with your young intermittent
Getting Accompanied:
Even if it seems simple to carry out, the young intermittent creates an upheaval for the body. By giving up one meal a day, the body will have to work harder for the missing energy intake. In addition, this calorie deficit also means less nutrients to serve our cells. It is therefore important to make sure that you do not miss anything, and the best way to do this is to consult a health professional (nutritionist or doctor), in order to be well informed before embarking on this experiment.
But still, the possible risks of a young intermittent poorly conducted, are to develop behavioral disorders and / or dietary deficiencies that may be at risk for health.
The most common mistakes leading to failing the intermittent fasting are: selecting hours of fasting which don’t correspond to your lifestyle, selecting the time with a lot of traveling, when your routine is interrupted, overeating after fasting hours, nutritionally inadequate diet fasting. Here are some tips on how to be successful in losing weight with intermittent fasting
Choosing the right time and the right meal:
It is important to start your youth at the right time and choose the meal that will no longer be part of your daily routine.
You don’t start such a practice just for the sake of it or just because it’s trendy. It is essential to be ready, both in your head and in your life. The choice must be personal and thoughtful. Starting a young person requires not to be stressed, depressed and, ideally, not on vacation. Starting in bad conditions often leads to failure, with a guaranteed yo-yo effect.
For the choice of meal, it can be personal according to your lifestyle or simply linked to your food sensations. If you do not feel hungry in the morning, it may be logical that your intermittent youth will be until lunchtime. At the same time, if you are not hungry in the evening, you can apply a nocturnal intermittent youth that will then be rhythmic by our biological clock. This type of schedule is simpler to apply and helps to stimulate the repair and detox of the body during the night.
Attendance for the first month:
During the first few weeks, it is important and motivating to stick to the set times. Sticking to the youthful hours will quickly bring the above-mentioned benefits and will help you gain motivation for the future. Deviations that may be tempting at first will only slow down the process and, above all, may lead to guilt.
Avoiding frustration:
During meal times, it is important to eat to your heart’s content. Eat nutritious foods, such as proteins, good fats, whole grains, fruits and vegetables as much as you can. In addition to providing your body with a range of essential nutrients, this will help you last until the next day. Moreover, it is important for the mind not to add any food restrictions and to compose your meals as you like them.
In the youth phase or not, it is essential to stay hydrated throughout the day. During the youth phase, it is highly recommended to drink in order to hydrate the body, which tends to become dehydrated during this phase. In addition to stimulating its benefits, water facilitates youthful periods and weight loss. However, there is no question of drinking just anything! Even though intermittent youth does not require any restrictions, sugary, industrial and alcoholic beverages could wipe out the beneficial effects of youth. Instead, rely on herbal teas, fresh lemon juice, homemade vegetable juices and water, of course.
To avoid the Yo-yo effect
To allow the body not to restock too quickly when resuming a normal diet, it is best to fast intermittently 5 days a week, leaving 2 days free without fasting. This process allows you to maintain a social life if you fast in the evening and at the same time, not to rush the body with a surplus of energy on the day of resumption.
Intermittent fasting is not a practice to be done lightly and requires some consideration and nutritional knowledge. It can be a beneficial method, provided it is done under optimal conditions. On the other hand, if it causes frustration, fatigue, compulsions and guilt, it will prove counterproductive.

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How to lose weight following Intermittent fasting?
Intermittent fasting is a practice that is becoming more and more known for rapid weight loss. This practice does not require much effort, simply limiting food intake for a few hours during the day.
Sacha Thorey
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